
Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Torturers: Donald Rumsfeld; President George W. Bush; Dick Cheney

The Torturers: Donald Rumsfeld; President George W. Bush; Dick Cheney

Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday, August 29, 2014


Card  holder of world’s largest terror organization, Rashtriay Syamsevak Sangh (RSS)  Like many hindutva scribes,  M.K. Dhar started life  as a junior reporter for Amrita Bazaar Patrika in Calcutta and a part-time lecturer. Joined the Indian Police Service in 1964 and was permanently placed at the Intelligence Bureau. After retiring in 1996 as joint director, he took to freelance journalism and writing books which includes Open Secrets-India’s Intelligence Unveiled. By spinning for weapon procurement, Maloy is considered to be working for the global weapon trade network.

Getting away with hate speeches in India

Flurry of provocative speeches by politicians during campaigning raises questions whether current laws are lax.

Promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion, race, place of birth, language etc is a criminal offence, according to Indian Penal Code (IPC), while the Representation of People's Act (RPA) forbids the use of undue influence, appeal on grounds of religion, promoting enmity or hatred between different classes of citizens on the ground of religion, race or community and character assassination.

PALESTINE: Equality of dignity, human rights violation

We want as much exposure of the true plight of the Palestinians as possible that the media does not portray. 


Chilean Congressman files lawsuit against Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyayu for "CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY".... Invoking the Principle of Universal 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Palestine pushing for Hague Court probe into Israeli ‘war crimes’ in Gaza

Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad al-Malki has said that Israel must be prosecuted at The Hague court for war crimes it committed during the offensive in Gaza, and that Palestinian authorities are planning to join the International Criminal Court (ICC).
We must do everything in our power to enable the ICC to bring to justice those responsible for war crimes,” Malki said on Tuesday after meetings with the court’s prosecutors, Reuters cited.

The Law In These Parts explores this unprecedented and little-known story!/the-film

Since Israel conquered the territories of the West Bank and Gaza Strip in the 1967 war, the military has imposed thousands of orders and laws, established military courts, sentenced hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, enabled half a million Israeli "settlers" to move to the Occupied Territories and developed a system of long-term jurisdiction by an occupying army that is unique in the entire world.
The men entrusted with creating this new legal framework were the members of Israel's military legal corps. Responding to a constantly changing reality, these legal professionals have faced (and continue to face) complex judicial and moral dilemmas in order to develop and uphold a system of long-term military “rule by law” of an occupied population, all under the supervision of Israel's Supreme Court, and, according to Israel, in complete accordance with international law.

The Law In These Parts explores this unprecedented and little-known story through testimonies of the m?ilitary legal professionals who were the architects of the system and helped run it in its formative years. The film attempts to ask some crucial questions that are often skirted or avoided: Can such an occupation be achieved within a legal framework that includes genuine adherence to the principles of rule-of-law? Should it? What are the costs that a society engaged in such a long term exercise must bear? And what are the implications of the very effort to make a documentary film about such a system


Ensure no Muslim youth is wrongfully detained, Shinde writes to CMs

"Some of the minority youth have started feeling that they are deliberately targeted and deprived their basis rights,"

The Long and Bloody Hypocrisy of U.S.-Israeli Acts of Terrorism

Without an extreme double standard on terrorism, it's hard to see how today's bloodbath in Gaza would be possible.
Israel, a nation that was born out of Zionist terrorism, has launched massive airstrikes against targets in Gaza using high-tech weapons produced by the United States, a country that often has aided and abetted terrorism by its client military forces, such as Chile’s Operation Condor and the Nicaraguan contras, and even today harbors right-wing Cuban terrorists implicated in blowing up a civilian airliner.


Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Silencing of Dorothy Thompson

She spoke out against Hitler. For that, they made her a hero. She spoke up for Palestine. For that, they silenced her.

For three decades, amid the sweeping events of the first half of the twentieth century, no journalist was more controversial, more iconoclastic, or more quoted than Dorothy Thompson. At the pinnacle of her career, Thompson’s syndicated news column, “On the Record”—one of the longest-running columns ever—reached millions of people around the globe. She was heard by millions more in her regular NBC radio broadcasts, and her stories appeared in The New York Tribune, Ladies Home Journal, and The Saturday Evening Post. Her persona was honored by Katharine Hepburn in the 1942 movie Woman of the Year, and in 1939, in a Time magazine cover story, was named the most influential woman in America next to Eleanor Roosevelt.
She spoke out against Hitler. For that, they made her a hero. She spoke up for Palestine. For that, they silenced her.
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An icon of her time
For three decades, amid the sweeping events of the first half of the twentieth century, no journalist was more controversial, more iconoclastic, or more quoted than Dorothy Thompson. At the pinnacle of her career, Thompson’s syndicated news column, “On the Record”—one of the longest-running columns ever—reached millions of people around the globe. She was heard by millions more in her regular NBC radio broadcasts, and her stories appeared in The New York Tribune, Ladies Home Journal, and The Saturday Evening Post. Her persona was honored by Katharine Hepburn in the 1942 movie Woman of the Year, and in 1939, in a Time magazine cover story, was named the most influential woman in America next to Eleanor Roosevelt.
During a transatlantic voyage in 1920, young journalist Dorothy Thompson struck up an acquaintance with a group of leading Zionists, including Chaim Weizmann. Although she would later part company with Zionism, she always referred to Weizmann respectfully
During a transatlantic voyage in 1920, young journalist Dorothy Thompson struck up an acquaintance with a group of leading Zionists, including Chaim Weizmann. Although she would later part company with Zionism, she always referred to Weizmann respectfully
Erased from history
A few years later, newspaper columns were being cancelled and speaking engagements began disappearing. Dorothy Thompson was being silenced—all for the crime of saying what she believed. Today, only a handful of people even know her name.   Right now, you have the opportunity to change that.
An International Journalist
By 1926, Thompson was the first woman to head a foreign news bureau, with the post-war chaos of Germany, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Yugoslavia, Turkey and Greece as her beat. She studied German language and culture, becoming an expert in both, and was known for her intellectual curiosity, the endless lengths she’d go to get a story and the quality of her writing.

"I was in Palestine... and I assure you… that the situation there is not the way it has been presented by many of the Zionists. It is one of the most complicated and difficult problems on earth today." 

Dorothy Thompson

Christopher Bollyn is an American journalist who has investigated the events of 9-11.  He helped Professor Steven E. Jones in the spring and summer of 2006, when Jones found solid evidence of Thermite in the dust of the Twin Towers.  The discovery and discussion of Thermite in the demolition of the World Trade Center led to serious trouble for both Jones and Bollyn.  - See more at:

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Operation 911: NO SUICIDE PILOTS

Operation 911:  NO SUICIDE PILOTS

by Carol A. Valentine
Curator, Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum

Benjamin H. Freedman was one of the most intriguing and amazing individuals of the 20th century.

Benjamin Freedman Speaks:
Here in the United States, the Zionists and their co-religionists have complete control of our government. For many reasons, too many and too complex to go into here at this time, the Zionists and their co-religionists rule these United States as though they were the absolute monarchs of this country. Now you may say that is a very broad statement, but let me show you what happened while we were all asleep.
What happened? World War I broke out in the summer of 1914. There are few people here my age who remember that. Now that war was waged on one side by Great Britain, France, and Russia; and on the other side by Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey.

Shujayea: Massacre at Dawn

Shujayea: Massacre at Dawn

A powerful film with exclusive footage from the day of the Israeli assault on the densely populated Shujayea district.

Zionism is an Illuminist construct.

Zionism is an Illuminist construct. It is not of God. At the heart of the Zionist flag is the ‘666’ Satanic hexagram. A country that flies a ‘666’ flag cannot be of God. What Rev. Ted Pike and most…

Friday, July 25, 2014

Israeli "trolls" on Wikipedia, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

People should be aware that Wikipedia, Facebook and other places sometime contain individuals who post items while misleading people about their identities.
Please keep in mind that facebook and other online forums are in many ways anonymous and, according to several articles in the israeli media and elsewhere, are infiltrated by IDF soldiers and students with false identities. See, for example and

These are the images from Gaza that are too graphic for many US news outlets to publish (UPDATED) Human misery is hard to look at. But it's one way to understand the true cost of warfare.

Media coverage of the latest Israeli slaughter of Palestinians is disgusting. Not only do the media ignore the Israeli ongoing killing, kidnapping, torture, and oppression of Palestinian men, women, and children that PRECEDED the kidnappings of three Israelis living on land stolen from Palestinians, but now they pretend that "two sides" are simply trading attacks. The media emphasize rockets from Gaza without reporting that in the vast majority of cases these largely home-made projectiles cause no injuries or even damage whatsoever, let alone deaths, while ignoring the fact that the vaunted Israeli military forces, funded and supplied by our over $8.5 million per day, are killing and maiming mostly women and children in the concentration camp Israel has created of Gaza like shooting fish in a goldfish bowl. How proud the ADL must be of its favorite nation.

Here is a statement from a Palestinian:

"To those in media still talking about the carnage in Gaza as 'tit for tat between Hamas and Israel', you are either clueless or blind.

"Nearly 2 million Palestinians, most of them women & children (statistical fact) are under fire, under siege, and have no where to go. And if you think that the slaughter Israel is committing against families in Gaza only affects the besieged Strip, think again and know this: Each and every Palestinian around the world feels under attack, brutalized, & alone. Each bomb that falls shattering a home and the lives of a family in Gaza shakes our soul to the core. We mourn, cry, and feel the pain because it's our pain, our tragedy. And don't get us started on the pitiful pretext of 'defense' because slaughtering entire families is neither a defensive nor defensible act. This is mass murder & collective punishment of the occupier against the occupied. We are not numbers. Our children have names, smiles, and dreams we cherish and - God help us - try to protect. Even if we don't lose them to bombings, the scars of fear and terror and trauma our children now bear from this criminal assault are permanent marks of shame a mute 'international community' bears for shamelessly watching us die & only asking us to die more quietly while finding excuses for our slaughter. Signed, a Palestinian whose faith in humanity is being tested."

India: Independence of and corruption within the judicial system, including the scale of corruption at different levels (2009-April 2013)

India: Independence of and corruption within the judicial system, including the scale of corruption at different levels (2009-April 2013)

Is the British media Islamophobic?

British Muslims are a minority but the majority of news stories about them are negative. Is it Islamophobia?

The truth about the criminal bloodbath in Iraq can't be 'countered' indefinitely

The truth about the criminal bloodbath in Iraq can't be 'countered' indefinitely

The media cover-up has been a weapon in the crimes of western states since the first world war. But a reckoning is coming for those paid to keep the record straight

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Urdu Mushaira

Urdu Mushaira

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Behind the Komagata Maru’s fight to open Canada’s border

Dark chapter in Canadian immigration history included an unsung hero, among the first who can be called a defender of civil rights

Reports from the 1950s of emotional problems in adoptees

 Wendy Jacobs, B.Sc., B.A.
"The past is never fully gone. It is absorbed into the present and the future. It stays to shape what we are and what we do." 
Sir William Deane, Inaugural Lingiari Lecture, Darwin, 22 August 1996.

Separating mother and child at birth was the way adoption was practiced in Australia in the latter half of last century. We have heard from other speakers about current knowledge regarding the mental health consequences of this separation. In this paper I look at adoption from a historical perspective, how adoption was practiced, what was known about the consequences of adoption, and what influence, if any, this knowledge had on adoption practice. 

Brief  history of adoption in Australia
 Adoption was a social experiment in which babies born to unmarried mothers were taken at birth and given to strangers for adoption. It was claimed to be in the best interests of the child, who would be protected from the slur of illegitimacy and would have a better life in the adoptive family. Adoption enabled infertile married couples to have a family, and the State saved money on its welfare bill.
 Adoption legislation was first introduced in Australia in the 1920s, but adoption was slow to be accepted, due to the belief that immorality and other evil tendencies were passed on from mother to child. After World War II, however, when environment was seen as more important than heredity in the development of the child, adoption became more popular. It was believed that mothers would not bond with their babies if the babies were taken immediately after birth, and the mothers were prevented from seeing them, and that babies would bond successfully with their adoptive families if they were placed as soon as possible after birth. All ties with the natural mother were then severed, the child was issued with a new birth certificate which showed him as being born to the adoptive parents, and the records were sealed.
 Adoption was promoted as being in the best interests of the child. Mothers were expected to forget about their child and get on with their lives, get married and have children of their own. Adoption was seen as an instant 'cure' for infertility. None of these beliefs was based on any scientific evidence. 

Reports from the 1950s of emotional problems in adoptees
 In fact there were reports from Britain and the USA, from 1952 onwards, that a large number of children seen in child guidance clinics and other psychiatric services were adopted.
 In 1952 a British psychiatrist, Wellisch, drew attention to a problem of adoption - the lack of knowledge of and definite relationship to one's genealogy, which he termed genealogical bewilderment, and which could result in the stunting of emotional development in adopted children and could lead them to irrational rebellion against their adoptive parents and the world as a whole, and eventually to delinquency. This was echoed in 1955 by Winnicott, who said ignorance about their personal origin made adolescence more of a strain for adopted children than other children, and in 1964 by Sants who wrote that genealogical bewilderment is a factor which frequently appears to be present in adoption stress.