
Friday, January 3, 2014

Supplications often recited by Prophet Muhammad pbuh

In The name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most gracious

Supplications often recited by Prophet Muhammad pbuh

“Prayer is the best form of worship.” (Abu Dawud)
It has been said that each part of the Prophet Muhammad’s life entailed supplication and entreaty to God. The following is a brief compilation of suppllications often recited by the Prophet.
1.      “My Lord, I ask from You guidance and truth.” (Muslim)
3.      “My Lord, I ask from You guidance, piety, chastity and wealth.” (Muslim)
4.      “O Allah, Who changes and turns hearts; turn our hearts towards obedience to You.”   (Muslim)
5.      “Allah inspire me with truth and protect me from the evil of my nafs.” (Tirmidhi)
6.      “O Allah, Who changes and turns hearts; make my heart firm in Your religion.” (Tirmidhi)
7.      “O my Lord! I ask from You beneficial knowledge, pleasant rizq (livelihood) and actions that are accepted by You.” (Ibn Mace)
8.      “My Lord, forgive me, be merciful to me, give me health and rizq.” (Muslim)
9.      “My Lord, forgive my sins, show me mercy, guide me, give me health and rizq.” (Muslim)
10.  “My Lord, I seek refuge in You from the evil of what I have done and from the evil of what I have not done.” (Muslim)
11.  “I seek refuge in Allah from severe trouble, misery, bad fate, and the quarrels of enemies.” (Bukhari-Muslim)
12.  “My Lord, give us goodness in this world, give us goodness in the next world, and protect us from the torment of Hell.” (Bukhari-Muslim)
13.  “My Lord, I seek shelter in You from the sedition of Hell, the torment of hell, and the evil of wealth and poverty.” (Abu Dawud)
14.  “My Lord, I seek refuge in You from hunger; it is an extremely bad friend. I seek refuge in You from treachery; it is an extremely bad companion.” (Abu Dawud)
15.  “My Lord, I seek refuge in You so that Your blessings do not leave me, so that the health with which You have blessed me is not reversed; I seek refuge in You from sudden torment and every type of pain.” (Muslim)
16.  “My Lord, enlighten my heart, make my tongue, my ears, my eyes, what is behind me, in front of me, above me and beneath me enlightened. My Lord, increase my light.” (Bukhari-Muslim)
17.  “O Al-Hay and Al-Qayyum! I seek assistance from You alone; order my life and do not leave me alone with my nafs even for the blink of an eye.” (Hakim)
18.  “My Lord, I desire love actions that will bring me love from You, the love of those You love and love for You. My Lord, make my love for You dearer than my nafs, my family or cold water. ” (Tirmidhi)
19.  “My Lord, I seek refuge in You from weakness, laziness, cowardliness, old age and miserliness. I seek refuge in You from the torment of the grave. I seek refuge in You from sedition in life and death.” (Muslim)
20.  “My Lord, all my gratitude is to You. You have girded me with it. I desire the blessing of this garment and the blessings done for the sake of this garment. I seek refuge in You from the evil it does and that is done for its sake.” (Tirmidhi)
21.  “My Lord, I desire all those things that invoke Your mercy, all those that require Your forgiveness; I desire to remain free from all sin, to gain all the bounties of goodenss, to gain heaven and to be rescued from hell.” (Muslim)
22.  “My Lord, better my religion that protects what I do, better my world that provides me sustenance, better the afterlife, the place where I will go. Be the means for searching for all the blessings in life, be the means of being saved from all the evils of death.” (Muslim)
23.  “In the name of Allah, I rely on Allah. My Lord! I seek refuge in You from losing my way and causing others to lose theirs, from being demeaned and from demeaning, from being oppressed and oppressing, from ignorance and from leaving others in ignorance.” (Tirmidhi)
24.  “All my thanks are to Allah, for He is enough for me and He grieves for me; again, all my praise is for Him, for He sustains me and waters me. He gives me bounties and I am grateful that Allah has made me the most honored of mankind. I ask You to protect me from the fire.” (Abu Dawud)
25.  “My Lord, I surrender to You, I believe in You, I rely on You, I turn to You, I plead Your cause and I apply to You. Forgive me for what I have done before and for what I have left until later; forgive me for what I have done openly and secretly. You are the one Who advances and Who impedes. There is no god but You.” (Bukhari-Muslim)
26.  “My Lord, I seek refuge in You from weakness, laziness, miserliness, old age and the torment of the grave. My Lord, grant my nafs taqwa and purify it. You are the one Who will cleanse it the best. You are its owner and master. My Lord, I seek refuge with You from useless knowledge, hearts that fear nothing, insatiable nafs and prayers that are not accepted.” (Muslim)
27.  “My Lord! I wish for health from You in the world and the after world; My Lord, I desire health and forgiveness from You in the matter of my religion, my world, my family and my property. My Lord, cover my shame. Make me safe from my fears. Protect me from them in front, from behind, on my right, on my left and above me. I seek refuge in Your majesty from those under me.” (Abu Dawud)
28.  “My Lord, forgive me my errors and my ignorance, forgive excess in my actions and those things You know better than me. My Lord, forgive me in earnestness and in jest, forgive what I do by accident and on purpose. All of These are in me. My Lord, forgive what I do and send ahead and what I do not do and leave behind; forgive those things that are open and hidden and those that You know better than me. You are the one Who advances and Who leaves behind. You are the fate of all things.” (Bukhari-Muslim)
29.  “My Lord, You are my Lord, there is no god but You. You have created me and I am Your servant; while my strength lasts I will keep Your treaty and promise. I seek refuge with You from the evil of what I have done, I give to You the blessings that I have gained and I confess my sins; cover them and forgive me. No one but You can forgive sins.” (Bukhari)
30.  “My Lord, all my thanks are with You. You are the light of the earth and the sky and all that is in them. All thanks are to You because You are the only one Who controls the earth and the sky and all that is in it. And again all praise belongs to You because You are Hak, and the promise will be met with You. It is the truth that we will meet You, that there is Heaven and  Hell, it is true that there are Prophets, the Day of Judgment of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh); this is all this is the truth. My Lord, I surrender to You, I believe in You, I rely on You, I turn to You, I repent, I struggle in Your name, I have chosen You as my judge. From give all my sins, past and present, open and secret. You are my God; there is no god but You. There is no power or strength but the power and strength of all-glorious Allah.” (Bukhari-Muslim)
31.  “The Creator of the skies and the earth, the one Who knows the visible and the invisible, the Lord of everything, the sovereign and owner Allah! I witness that there is no god but You. I seek refuge with You from the evil of my nafs, the devil and his associates. I seek refuge in You O Allah, once again, from the evil of my nafs and its impulse to commit a crime against Muslims.” (Tirmidhi)

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