
Saturday, December 8, 2018

Canada a multicultural country. The country is proud of its natural beauty.

illahhir Rahmaannir Raheem

Alhamdulillah, around 1972 about 200 Muslims came to Canada from Gujarat, India. This was the first time in history that they had come to this country in large numbers from Gujarat Most of them ranged between 20 to 30 years in age, with very limited resources and little knowledge of Din and Dunia. They had a special quality about them, their  love of ALLAH and His Messenger (S.A.W). Furthermore, the historical accounts from the people of their past generations were a driving factor in migrating abroad. The mindset being that it would result in prosperity. Families, as well communities in India would also benefit from their success abroad.
By the grace of Allah we received a warm welcome in Canada with a few exceptions of course. Canada is the second largest country in the world with a population of 33 millions around ( 2008). The country needs around 250,000 new immigrants annually in order to maintain its economy. This fact has made Canada a multicultural country. The country is proud of its natural beauty. Canada allows every legal citizen to accommodate his close family members. The Gujrati community took advantage of this unique opportunity at the time. Alhamdulillah, We chose Canada as our home. Within 10 years we increased rapidly in numbers. These numbers gave us an identity of being a Gujrati Muslims within the diversified Toronto Muslim community. Soon, the first masjid under Gujrati management was established; Madina masjid in Toronto. It was the third Masjid in Toronto at that time (1983). By mercy of Allah. our Ulamas, Tableeg Jamat and concerned Muslims we never had a shortage of scholars, who made sure that we are always aware of the true purpose of this life. Alhamdulillah now (2008) 10 km within Toronto, there are enough prayer facilities available to make five times prayers. Furthermore, Hifz classes, Dar-ul-Uloom and Islamic schools are now widely available; however most are still not affordable to the majority of Muslms.We can now begin to analyze the weakness of that pioneer generation. As mentioned, this generation came to Canada with very limited resources and knowledge. It is sad to say that up to now (2008); we do not have a well-qualified new generation who will lead us to fully participate in the main society. This is evident in the leaders who deal with today’s problems, which most of us do not fully understand, whether political, educational or social. It is well known that children of those immigrants who grew up in Canada with a good education know the system better than their parents. But, somehow, these youngsters are banned directly or indirectly to participate in the old pioneer established facilities (e.g. the mosque management). Thus, the result we see now is that they ignore us and we ignored them. Our main weak point being that we always carry so many culture practices beside Islam and we are very prejudice among us.
Now is the time to request our new generation who grew here with the education of Din and Dunia. We may not let you in our management now but we shall not last forever, please be patient. Work in some other areas that will prepare you for the future. Be equipped with the best education of Din and Dunia. 
Today people are valued by their education. Education has become the most valuable skill in the modern society. So get together with open minds and become leaders in this society with an attitude that says “we don’t believe in any cult  value, Islam is very clear to us!”

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